PūHiko Nukutū: A Green Hydrogen Geostorage Battery in Taranaki, New Zealand

Projektin tutkimusalue
Projektin kesto
01.10.2022 - 20.09.2027


This research will assess the technical viability, cost-effectiveness, and social-environmental impacts of storing large volumes (>50,000,000 Nm3) of hydrogen in sedimentary rock formations of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. It will secondarily investigate the petrophysical and geomechanical properties of crystalline rocks for hydrogen geostorage in artificial caves. Outcomes of the project will deliver the new insights required to support decision-making for H2 geostorage, supplying future national and export markets, and underpinning New Zealand’s targets of a more resilient, low-emissions energy economy. GTK partnership will primarily contribute to selecting and assessing the technical viability of target sites in the Taranaki region and perform numerical sensitivity analysis to determine critical parameters of hydrogen geostorage in artificial caves.

Yhteyshenkilö: Alan Bischoff
