
Tiilikainen Kimmo
Director General
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Areas of expertise:

As the Director General of Geological Survey of Finland, I constantly work towards our common goal: to find solutions to accelerate the transition to sustainable and carbon-neutral world.

Combining the environment and economy is an approach in both my working and private life. Sustainability and the circular economy are at the heart of it, and I have been working on them internationally even before I joined GTK. I also believe that energy issues, the sustainable use of forests and other natural resources – not forgetting biodiversity – is also important.

Previously, I served as a Member of Parliament for 16 years, held several ministerial positions, and in the last couple of years, I was State Secretary in several ministries. I was one of the EU’s Ministerial Negotiators of the Paris Agreement and signed it on behalf of Finland in 2016. I was one of the facilitators of the adaptation to climate change negotiations when the Paris Rule Book was finalised in Katowice. As Finland’s Minister of Energy, I implemented Finnish climate policy by promoting both renewable energy and a ban on the use of coal.