The price list for digital data products
Basic principles of delivering digital data in GTK
Geological Survey of Finland grants fixed-term, non-exclusive rights to use digital data products within the basic licence (Licence 1) or open licence (Licence 2). Upon granting the rights a data licence agreement is prepared, determining the data covered by the licence, the duration of the licence and the licence fee. The basic licence (Licence 1) entitles the organization to use digital data and make normal back up copies for their own use. The data or parts of it shall not be assigned to another or passed on to third party. In this case the contractual terms applied when granting the rights are determined in GTK´s document “Terms of use of products, mate-rials and services related to them (licence 1)”. This document is always appended with the data licence.
The products specified separately in this price list are being granted within the open licence. The terms for granting products with open licence (Licence 2) are described in the document “The terms of use for products, materials and related services (GTK´s open product licence), that include a right to re-use and modify the material freely”.
When delivering digital data products, GTK charges the client the handling and delivery costs. Only exception is the on-line prod-ucts, which can be downloaded from GTK´s web services. Handling and delivering costs are determined in this price list.
The data licence should always be preceded by an offer procedure. Only the ready data packages and standard products mentioned in this price list can be delivered without the offer procedure. The offer must be accordant to this price list.
The prices in this list are determined according to VAT 25,5%.
The questions and enquiries related to GTK’s digital data products and price lists can be addressed to
Data updated 1.9.2024
Price list (pdf)Offer request
Offer requests for spatial data sets are primarily sent via the offer request form. In addition to the customer’s contact information, area of interest is required there, as well as information on the desired spatial data sets. When you select data sets, we recommend using GTK’s price list of spatial data sets and products. The price list includes links to extent of the spatial data and/or downloadable products in the Hakku service, in addition to price information.
The offer will be made no later than 1 month after the request for an offer, and the delivery of the data sets is no later than 1 month after the signing of the data licence agreement or the advance payment if the value of the data delivery exceeds €100,000.
Go to the offer request form