Terms and conditions for delivering and subsampling of drill cores

Geological Survey of Finland 21.6.2017, Dno 430/10.01/2017

According to the Mining Act (621/2011), the Drill Core Archive receives all representative sets of ore prospecting drill cores, following the approval of the archive proposal by the mining authority (TUKES). The archive principles are described in the TUKES guide “Guidelines for reporting on mineral exploration in Finland” which also provides guidelines for submitting datasets and drill cores.

The purpose of these instructions is to give the sender the information necessary for delivering the materials. Only core samples listed in the approved archive proposal (see Tukes guide) can be delivered to the Drill Core Archive. Please note that deliveries of core samples must always be agreed in advance with the Drill Core Archive representative.

Furthermore, the guide describes the principles for obtaining sub-samples from the Drill Core Archive. One prerequisite for obtaining sub-samples is that the research findings (data) on the sub-samples are submitted to the Geological Survey of Finland and to be appended to the national centre for geoscience data. An agreement is made concerning sampling and submission of research findings (download a template).

Technical instructions for sender:

  1. The core samples delivered must be in good condition, contained in core boxes according to instructions that are marked with durable and appropriate markings:
  2. The core boxes are packed on pallets sized 75 x 104 cm. Core boxes can be stacked to a maximum height of 1.2 metres on pallets.
  3. The top and external sides of each core box must include the drill hole code and box sequence number or metre section. The inside of the core box must include depth, analysis and sampling markings.
  4. The first core box should have markings of the drill hole code, drill hole coordinates, map sheet number, drilling azimuth and dip. The box must also include details when drilling commenced. The last box must also include date when drilling was completed.
  5. Documentation of drill cores shall include the data mentioned in Appendix 1.
  6. The sender of the drill cores is responsible for the packaging costs, freight and insurance up to the Loppi Drill Core Archive (TOP Loppi FIN01)
  7. Senders of radioactive drill cores are obliged to provide notification of any cores containing a more than normal amount of natural radionuclides, i.e. samples that exceed a radiation level of 5 µSv/h. The sender must ensure that all core boxes containing radioactive samples are marked with radiation hazard signs. The sender must inform the archive of radiation levels and mark the values on the core box, i.e. greatest radiation level measured from the core surface.
  8. Documentation for sent radioactive drill cores must include the radioactive levels of samples in the Notes section, in order to ensure radioactive samples are registered in the drill core register.

Responsibilities and transfer of proprietorship:

  1. Responsibility for sent drill cores is transferred to the Geological Survey of Finland, once it has received the material. The sender will be sent a Notice of Receipt pertaining to all received drill cores and material.
  2. Proprietorship of received drill cores and related documentation is transferred to the Geological Survey of Finland, which means the material becomes public as stipulated by the Act and Decree on the Publicity of Official Documents.

Obtaining subsamples from the archive:

  1. A prerequisite for receiving core samples is a valid agreement (download a template) and sufficiently comprehensive analytics.
  2. The continuity of the drill core must be retained and no parts may be removed as an entirety, which is the reason why samples must be taken by cutting the drill core.
  3. All drill core pieces, crushed rock and analytical powder remaining after analysis must be returned to the Drill Core Archive including all the relevant codes and markings.

Submission of research findings:

  1. For the purpose of promoting the utilisation of geological data, the research findings (analyses of samples) taken from the archive must be submitted to the Geological Survey of Finland as soon as the findings (analyses) are attained.
  2. Research findings (analyses) must be delivered to geodata@gtk.fi in the original laboratory format as soon as possible and not later than 6 months after sampling.

Contact details for the Drill Core Archive:


 Hole diameter / core diameter

Coordinates ETRS- TM35FIN (EPSG:3067), according to map sheet UTM. Old data can be delivered according to general sheet distribution in YKJ coordinates (EPSG:2393).Old data can be delivered according to general sheet distribution in YKJ coordinates (EPSG:2393). (Other data such as dimensions of drilling rig, drilling time and precise location data, must be submitted using the TUKES template).