Utilization of Peatland Biomass
The basis for sustainable use of peatland biomass is accurate and up-to-date research data on the resources and the site. Accurate information about the peatland biomass will ensure successful planning and resource-wise operations.

Finland’s most comprehensive peatland biomass dataset
Resource-wise planning
Resource estimates for different stages
Expert and research services for utilization of peatland biomass
The basis for sustainable and resource-wise use of peatland biomass is accurate and up-to-date data on the resources and the site.
A survey of the baseline and current state of the peatland biomass resources determine the reference level and the factors affecting the start of operations. Customer-specific surveys provide a solid knowledge base for planning the operations.
Resource-efficient utilization of Finland’s peatland biomasses promotes the sustainable use of natural resources.
The GTK service identifies the target site’s resources, the properties of the peatland and any constraints that should be considered in the operations. The resource estimate can be prepared at different stages i.e., before, during or after the start of the operations. The survey can also be combined with an assessment of the environmental risks of acid sulfate soils, for example.

New Map Service Shows Sphagnum Moss Harvesting Sites in Finland

Carbon-wise ways to use peat extraction sites after extraction
Research on the topic
Explore the topic in depth through scientific publications, articles, research reports, and research projects.
Peat as a Raw Material for Carbon Applications in Central Ostrobothnia (TUUMA)
Peatland Carbon (Carbon Balances and Peatland Biomasses)
Climate Wise Sphagnum-Based Growing Media – Possibilities for Sustainable Harvesting (RahKoo)
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