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Testing and Development of Beneficiation Processes on a Pilot Plant Scale

A continuously operating pilot plant provides customers a unique setting for analysing samples, developing processes and assessing the usability of minerals. GTK Mintec’s pilot plant scale studies are seamlessly integrated into process mineralogical and laboratory-scale studies.

A factory hall where there are a industrial equipment .

Key benefits

Continuous simulation of customer processes

A continuously operating pilot plant on an industrial scale provides customers a perfect setting for analysing samples, developing processes and assessing the usability of minerals. The material can be tested in a continuous process.

Customisation enables optimisation of the entire process or part of it

Depending on the customer’s needs, unit processes can be tested, or the entire process piloted with the pilot plant. The pilot plant enables the testing of laboratory-scale studies on an industrial scale.

Solutions for the processing of secondary materials also available

The methods used to extract minerals from primary materials are also suitable for recovering valuable materials from various types of industrial waste and side streams.

Pilot plant runs determine the industrial-scale performance, material processing potential and support the assessment of financial potential

The results of the pilot plant runs provide an idea of the performance of the beneficiation process on an industrial scale. The results can be utilised when assessing the financial potential of a mineral deposit or waste material. Pilot plant studies also provide the intermediates and final products of the processes such as concentrate and tailings for further research. The results obtained from the pilot plant provide a realistic overall picture to be used as the basis for process design.

In the control room of GTK Mintec's test factory, 2 people look at the screens and follow the process

Pilot plant is used for extensive research to produce information that supports decision-making

  • Information to support the assessment of the usability and financial potential of mineral deposits
  • Studies to develop processing and recovery methods for battery minerals and critical raw materials
  • Studies on the long-term behaviour of tailings, the usability of circular economy materials and the optimisation of process waters
  • The services of the pilot plant are developed in close cooperation with the research community and technology partners

An industrial scale pilot plant is a platform for the optimisation of sub-processes and the testing of  overall processes

The pilot plant contains several different unit processes that can be easily customised into overall processes to meet the customer’s needs. The process designed based on the laboratory tests can be verified in the continuously operating pilot plant test runs. The test runs provide information about process parameters for adjusting the equipment sizing and the concentrator design.

Industrial hall where 3 persons are working with the machines.

Key unit processes as part of the service portfolio

  • Crushing
  • Grinding
  • Classification
  • Gravity separation
  • Heavy medium separation
  • Magnetic separation
  • Flotation
  • Dewatering

The sample volume of a pilot plant test run is typically between 20 and 300 tonnes and the feed capacity 0.2 to 1.5 t/h, in special cases up to 5 t/h.

Continuously operating minipilot and pilot studies test the performance of beneficiation methods

After processes developed in a laboratory, the performance of beneficiation process methods can be further tested in continuous minipilot and pilot studies. In a minipilot study, the input capacity is usually 10-50 kg/h and the required sample volume is 400–2,000 kg.

GTK Mintec has equipment for industrial-scale crushing and grinding.

GTK Mintec offers various options for crushing and grinding methods. By using these, the optimal comminution method for the research material can be found.

GTK Mintec – a pilot plant and laboratories for the circular economy and mineral processing

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GTK Mintec – a pilot plant and laboratories for the circular economy and mineral processing

GTK Mintec is a globally unique service provider. It combines mineral research laboratories with an industrial-scale pilot plant and a testing platform for the long-term behaviour of extractive waste.

Exlore GTK Mintec in more detail

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