Surveys Related to Properties of Aquatic Sediments
GTK has Finland’s most versatile sampling equipment and analysis capabilities for investigating the properties of the seabed and lake beds. The survey provides information about the suitability of the target site for construction, restoration and renovation, enabling the planning of optimal measures for each site.
Overall picture on structure of aquatic sediments
Sediment data for managing dredging and dumping of material
Most comprehensive service portfolio in Finland
Sediment research meets many needs
Geochemical and geophysical properties of sediments from the seabed or an inland watercourse can be studied to determine the quality of the material. Research data is needed for activities such as the planning of dredging and dumping operations, for determining background concentrations and for understanding the sediment deposition in the area. Furthermore, sediment carbon stock and sequestration can be determined based on the results.
Our service assists in the planning of environmentally optimal measures targeting sediments.
The surveys are carried out on sediment and pore water according to the customer’s needs. In the assessment of the environmental conditions at the seabed or lake bed, the current physical status of the sediment, pore water and the overlying water column are examined. The physical properties of the near-bottom water and the concentration and size distribution of suspended particles may also be determined.
The research equipment is also used to study processes such as erosion and deposition, and greenhouse gases.
Our experts always plan the surveys based on the suitability of the methods and the research needs.
Mineral and sediment management
Research data on sediments promotes the exploitation and overall management of limited extractive material and mineral resources.
Interaction between surface water and groundwater
Sediment research can be used to investigate the interaction between groundwater and surface waters (sea and lakes), as well as the impact of surface water on the quality and quantity of groundwater. Our research also provides information about the link between the status of surface waters and sediments.
Research on the topic
Explore the topic in depth through scientific publications, articles, research reports, and research projects.
Blue Lakes: Digitizing the Carbon Sink Potential of Boreal Lakes
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