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Stratigraphy Studies and Characterisation of Fine-Grained Sediments

The service provides detailed information on the distribution and properties of fine-grained sediment layers. By targeting the studies according to the customer’s needs and the site in question, GTK can generate initial data for the early stages of construction planning.

Person holding a handful of clay, underneath leaf-covered ground.

Key benefits

Site-specific research data

As the end product, the customer receives a targeted description of the distribution and stratigraphy of fine-grained soils. The service combines thorough field studies with geoscientific interpretation and 3D modelling of the stratigraphy in the area. The material is imported into the customer’s data management systems in an agreed format.

Properties of soil types

GTK produces detailed information on the properties of fine-grained sediments covering the entire sediment layer. This information is needed especially in the early stages of construction planning.

From field studies to planning the extent of subgrade reinforcement

Each study begins with a field study of the target area, in which continuous sets of samples are taken from fine-grained sediment layers. The sample series are analysed to identify the typical characteristics of the geological depositional environment, which must be considered in the construction planning and environmental impact management.

The samples from the field study are analysed according to the customer’s needs. In addition, GTK can prepare a 3D model of the stratigraphy and distribution of fine-grained sediments in the area.

Sample series that extend through the fine-grained sediment layers enable a comprehensive analysis of the soil layers.

By conducting site-specific laboratory studies, GTK can obtain detailed information on the location and properties of both soft and dense clay deposits, which facilitates the planning of the scope and material needs of subgrade reinforcements.

Moreover, the customer will learn what kinds of clay layers exist at different depths, which makes it easier to anticipate the amount of surplus soil, for example. Furthermore, knowledge of the different layers and their distribution enhances the targeting of further geotechnical studies.

Part of a map from the Ground Investigation Map Service.

The Ground Investigation Service Compiles Data for Construction Design

Ground investigations are conducted every time something is built. They help to identify ground conditions and to select the most appropriate foundation method. The data storage method varies from one municipality and organisation to the next. For ten years now, GTK has stored and distributed ground investigation data provided by municipalities and other public organisations free of charge through its Ground Investigation Map Service.

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