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Soil Geochemical Baselines

Soil geochemical baselines is a GTK service that provides information about naturally high contaminant concentrations in the soil of a studied site. The service can also be used to investigate elevated contaminant levels caused by widespread diffuse contamination of the topsoil.

Scientist in rubber gloves takes black soil from glass test tube with little spoon. Laboratory worker takes sample to examine under microscope.

Key benefits

Service for assessing remediation need

The landowner will receive detailed background information for assessment of soil contamination and remediation needs. Risk-based remediation also promotes the management of the quality of domestic water.

Background data for actions by authorities

Information about soil baselines concentration is necessary in many permit matters handled by the environmental authorities, for example. The authorities of cities and municipalities need information about soil contaminants for land use planning.

Soil data helps to reduce waste

Soil data can be utilised in the recycling of excavated masses and soil. Land use waste can be reduced by optimising the volume of land masses to be replaced based on the results of a risk-based assessment as part of soil remediation.

Soil background concentration data for land use planning and management of environmental impact

An analysis of the geochemical baseline concentrations in soil provides reliable information about the regional and local chemical element concentrations in soil and supports proactive management of the environmental impact. GTK is the operator with the most experience and expertise in soil baseline studies in Finland.

The service primarily provides information about whether there are any naturally high levels of contaminants in the studied site, but also information about any increased contaminant levels caused by widespread diffuse contamination in the topsoil.

The service helps climate-conscious land use planning: shorter soil mass transportation distances will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The service includes the following

  • soil survey planning
  • sampling of topsoil and/or unaltered subsoil
  • analysis of the samples by an accredited laboratory using accredited and standard methods (approximately 40 chemical elements and properties)
  • interpretation of the results

Concentrations of arsenic and harmful metals (Government Decree 214/2007 on the Assessment of Soil Contamination and Remediation Needs) is used to calculate the regional upper limit of baseline variation. Baseline concentration studies of humus, surface water and groundwater or sediments in a watercourse can also be included in the service package.

Farm landscape and harvesting on a sunny summer day in Hollola, Finland.

Europe-wide Effort to Improve Soil Health – Achieving New Objectives Demands Systematic Information about Soil

A clean environment is important both to human health and the well-being of ecosystems. According to an estimate, about 60 to 70 per cent of the soil in EU member states has deteriorated to some extent due to anthropogenic activities. New actions strive to reduce soil contamination and promote restoration.

Research on the topic

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Soil Geochemical Baselines and Risks

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