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Properties and Utilisation of Mining Waste

The characterisation of mining waste, meaning the comprehensive definition of properties and the assessment of long-term behaviour, forms the basis for the management of mining waste and for reducing the related environmental impacts. GTK also studies the valuable substances remaining in mining waste and investigates their potential for further utilisation.

GTK’s comprehensive service selection includes the characterisation of mining waste with the aim of supporting the planning of mining waste management. The characterisation process may include short-term laboratory-scale geochemical and mineralogical analyses, long-term laboratory or field tests, and geochemical modelling.

3 people are at the extractive waste area and are investigating it.

Key benefits

Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation promotes planning

The characterisation of mining waste required by the Government Decree on Extractive Waste promotes the planning of environmental impact assessments, environmental permit processes, and the management of extractive waste.

Promoting the utilisation of mining waste

The characterisation process generates an estimate of the possibilities of utilising mining waste, which will promote the further use and reduce the volume of the waste.

Easier dimensioning of management solutions for mining waste

GTK’s service will help you find suitable management solutions for mining waste.

Improving the management of mining waste through research

Carefully planned management of mining waste improves the sustainability and operational potential of the mining industry. GTK characterises mining waste and studies the long-term behaviour of the waste by means of laboratory and field tests and geochemical modelling.

Characterisation reveals properties, harmful substances, and potential for utilisation

Characterisation is used to analyse the properties of mining waste, as required by the Government Decree on Extractive Waste, and to assess the possible further uses of mining waste.

The characterisation process includes short-term and long-term geochemical analyses and tests that can be used to assess the acid generation and neutralisation potential of mining waste, to identify potential contaminants, and to assess their mobility over the short and long term.

2 persons working with a laboratory equipment. The equipment is in the front.

Mineralogical studies

Characterisation also includes mineralogical studies for the purpose of identifying the key minerals associated with acid generation and neutralisation potential, and for discovering the sources of harmful substances.

GTK offers a comprehensive mineralogical research package as part of the services involving characterisation and interpretation of the test results. GTK has effective research equipment at its disposal, along with extensive expertise in the mineralogy of mining waste.

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