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Mineral Intelligence

The importance of the mineral sector is growing in the world. Also, there is a growing need for reliable and unbiased information within the mineral sector for example of minerals and metals, geopolicy, value chains, social license to operate (SLO) and mineral tracking.

GTK’s mineral intelligence combines its diverse expertise to provide reliable knowledge to the needs of society. It also offers trainings and workshops around above-mentioned themes.

A person in attention clothing in the woods. In his hand, he has an electronic device.

Key benefits

Concrete evaluation of a specific segment of the mineral sector

GTK can make market assessment reports that evaluate a specific segment of the mineral sector, its value chains, or commodities.

Finnish mining sector’s quarterly news compilation

Quarterly highlights compile the latest news on various exploration and mining industry in Finland related themes.

Trainings and workshops on UNFC classification, SLO and geopolicy

GTK is an expert in current environmental, social, geopolitical aspects that impacts the global mineral sector.

What will be the demand and supply situation for critical raw materials in the future?

GTK has expertise in various mineral sector topics such as

  • Environmental, Social, and Governance framework (ESG)
  • Social License to Operate (SLO)
  • UNFC
  • Value chains
  • Foresights
  • Market assessment

GTK provides information, training and workshops to support decision making and capacity building on these matters.

Foresights and market assessments

GTK’s experts take part in the annual report of the mining industry in Finland coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. The report is published in Finnish.

Kaivosalan toimialaraportti 2023

Exploration and Mining Highlights can now be subscribed

Exploration and Mining Highlights focuses on the exploration and mining industry in Finland. It compiles the latest news on various industry related themes.  It is based on information in the public domain collected from newspapers, press releases, and websites. Highlights are compiled by Geological Survey of Finland’s Minerals Intelligence team.

It is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning the Finnish exploration and mining industry. The compilation is published four times a year.

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GTK is a forerunner in implementing United Classification for Resources (UNFC)

UNFC is a classification system for raw materials under the UN, which aims at harmonising global raw material resources to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Based on the European Commission’s decision, it is also a European classification system.

GTK is a forerunner of the implementation of UNFC. Its experts have taken part in the preparing UNFC Guidance for Europe. Also, Finland classified its mineral resources in accordance with the UNFC system as the first country in Europe. GTK has integrated the UN’s classification guidelines and structure for mineral resources into Finland’s mineral deposit database. The classification of secondary resources is under way.

UNFC is a three-dimensional principles-based system for the classification, accounting and reporting of raw materials and production, which defines each project’s environmental and socioeconomic viability, technical feasibility, and degree of confidence in estimation.

The European Classification of Mineral Raw Materials in Line with the Sustainable Development Goals Is Proceeding – The Geological Survey of Finland Participated in the Preparation of UNFC Guidance Europe

Social License to Operate SLO

Social Licence to Operate is a vital aspect to mining sector, as well as to other sectors. GTK sees the regional country perspective and has for example taken part in making guidelines for Europe.

GTK has taken part in making EU level Social License to Operate (SLO) Guidelines and an accompanying Toolkit in 2021. It enhances the social awareness of mining and metallurgy at the national, regional and local levels; develops pan-European social responsibility standards for the mining industry; redefines the role of regional regulatory authorities in furthering SLO; and provides concrete tools for all affected stakeholders to improve transparency and communication, with the ultimate aim of building trust.

There are several ongoing projects that the research of SLO is continuing.

Social Licence to Operate (SLO) guidelines for Europe (pdf)

Social Licence to Operate (SLO) toolbox for Europe (pdf)

Corporate social responsibility in mineral exploration – The importance of communication and stakeholder engagement in earning and maintaining the social license to operate (pdf)

Corporate social responsibility of mining companies: local-level interaction with the municipality of Sodankylä, northern Finland (pdf)

Preliminary Assessment of Social License to Operate (SLO) and Corporate Communication in Four European Lithium Projects

ARTICLE — 9.2.2023

Raw Materials and Security of Supply – It Is Time to Act, Now

“The raw material requirements of the green transition look extremely demanding for cobalt, nickel, lithium, vanadium, rare earth elements (REE) and many other metals when we compare the predicted demand with the current production and mine reserves,” write Janne Hokka and Pasi Eilu from the Geological Survey of Finland.

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Team Manager
Team Manager, (Geology), M.Sc.

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