Measurement and Assessment of Carbon Stocks and Greenhouse Gas Balance of Mires and Peatlands
The measurement and assessment of carbon stocks and the greenhouse gas balance support efficient land use planning on peatlands. With the help of the service, various land use measures in mires and peatlands can also be correctly assessed and targeted from the perspective of greenhouse gas emissions.

Detailed information about soil carbon stocks
Greenhouse gas balance measurement data supports selection of correct measures
Data for environmental impact assessments
From site-specific surveys to carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance assessment
GTK assesses the carbon stocks and greenhouse gas balances of mires and peatlands based on site-specific surveys and measurements. The area to be surveyed and the scale are determined based on the customer’s needs, followed by a carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance assessment using different methods. Airborne (UAV) and ground-penetrating radar surveys, greenhouse gas measurements, various topographical surveys and peat sampling can be used as the research methods on a case-by-case basis.
In addition to the carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance of peat, the role of trees in the total carbon balance of the site can be assessed. As the end product, the customer receives a spatial dataset on the mire carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance in the required format and a final report. The report contains a description of the data used, the assessment criteria, the calculation methods, the results, and an evaluation of the results.

Research on the topic
Explore the topic in depth through scientific publications, articles, research reports, and research projects.
Open file research report: Carbon-wise after-use of peat extraction sites (pdf) (summary in English)
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