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Geophysical Deep Studies

Electrical and seismic deep-exploration solutions are part of GTK’s special expertise.

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Key benefits

Plans for deep drilling

The service is well suited for targeting deep drilling projects and studying deep-seated sections of the bedrock (depth >300 m).

Targeting studies

Drilling facilitates the selection of suitable methods and promotes the effective targeting of regional and local ore prospecting efforts and further studies of the selected deposit.

Modelling of bedrock fracturing and structures deep underground

GTK draws on studies to create clear geophysical maps and models customised for your research site.

The search for deep-seated ore deposits is based on geophysical bedrock research. GTK specialises in electrical and seismic deep-exploration and modelling. Deep-exploration requires special studies with a depth range from hundreds of metres to kilometres.

The success of the exploration project requires investments in research planning, data processing, interpretation, and modelling. The parallel use of several different research methods verifies the generated models and interpretations.

Deep studies are often preceded by the interpretation and modelling of regional data.

The service includes electromagnetic studies, refraction and reflection seismic studies, and potential field studies (magnetism and gravity). In addition to the measurements, the studies include the planning, monitoring, processing and interpretation of the results:

  • Electromagnetic and electrical studies (MT, CSEM)
  • Refraction and reflection seismic studies
  • Potential field studies (gravity-based and magnetic studies)
  • Planning and monitoring of field measurements
  • Data processing, joint interpretation, and 3D modelling
  • Data products (e.g. maps and cross sections)
  • Georeferenced 1D, 2D and 3D models

The effective search for deep-seated ore deposits and, consequently, the discovery of new critical and battery mineral deposits promote the implementation of the green transition. Moreover, the exploration of deep-seated bedrock structures is also important in geoenergy projects.

GTK has the most comprehensive equipment range and expertise for geophysical deep studies, as well as for the processing and interpretation of deep data.

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