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Expert Services on Nuclear Waste Disposal

GTK has decades of experience in research and projects enabling the disposal of nuclear waste, both in Finland and internationally. We offer services related to nuclear waste disposal projects especially for sectors requiring high-level geoscientific expertise, such as preliminary investigations of a disposal site, site selection, and long-term safety assessments.

Concept image of the final disposal of nuclear waste in a repository deep in the bedrock. On the surface a nuclear facility, waterways, trees, and settlements.

Key Benefits

All geological studies for nuclear waste disposal from one place

We offer all services for the geological studies required for nuclear waste disposal, including research plans, site suitability assessments, and preliminary studies for site selection.

Natural analogue studies as basis for safety case

GTK is the leading expert in the field of natural analogue studies, and we can help you use natural analogues to support your safety case.

Latest methodological developments for promoting nuclear waste disposal

GTK is constantly developing new methods for conducting site investigations and material research in the context of international research cooperation.

From a geological disposal concept to implementation

An operational nuclear power plant always generates both regular and radioactive waste. At present, there is an international research-based consensus stating that the concept of geological disposal is the best method for the final disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. Depending on the level of activity and half-life, nuclear waste is either placed close to the ground or deep in the bedrock, with the aim of keeping it away from living nature for thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

From the very beginning, GTK has supported Finnish nuclear operators in the selection of final disposal sites, site investigations, and other studies and projects that enable the final disposal of waste. Furthermore, GTK’s expertise has been utilised in several international disposal projects, and we contribute strongly to research in this field.

A final disposal solution for nuclear waste promotes the use, acceptability and safety of nuclear energy

GTK provides services for different research sectors regarding nuclear waste. We can offer both customised individual services and assistance for large-scale research entities, including the following areas:

  • Preliminary investigations for site selection, including lineament interpretations and geophysics
  • Design and research of technical release barriers and related materials
  • Planning of monitoring and quality control regarding geology and technical release barriers
  • Research and modelling in geology, geophysics, geochemistry and hydrogeology
  • Research planning and development of research methods
  • Assistance for the planning of nuclear waste management programmes

    Services for the different phases of nuclear waste disposal projects

    In terms of time, the geological disposal of nuclear waste is a long and extremely demanding process. The initial phases of a project can easily last for decades, and the parties liable for nuclear waste management must master several different themes and entities. GTK offers versatile expertise and stable, long-term support for customers with different needs, both at the start and throughout these multiprofessional, extensive, and challenging projects.

    Researcher on a sunny day on a seashore outcrop sending a drone on its way.

    Finland is a pioneer in nuclear waste disposal

    In Finland, work on the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel is more advanced than anywhere else in the world. Over the decades, GTK has accumulated a considerable reserve of know-how in the various sectors of nuclear waste management, and we have further expanded our expertise through international projects and research to cater to the needs of different customers.

    Nuclear power reduces the need for fossil fuels and cuts climate emissions

    Although nuclear energy is a viable option in generating low-carbon electric energy while also ensuring the stability and energy reliability of electric grids, its use has, however, been considered to be problematic for various reasons. Finding a solution for nuclear waste management has traditionally been viewed as one of the major obstacles. The final disposal of nuclear waste allows for more sustainable use of nuclear energy and increases the safety of its use.


    Posiva – From Geological Research to Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Disposal

    The Geological Survey of Finland and Posiva Oy have been long in cooperation to study the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. As a result, Finland is the first country in the world to commission a disposal solution for spent nuclear fuel, focusing on sustainability and long-term safety.

    Research on the Topic

    Tutustu syvemmin aiheeseen tieteellisten julkaisujen ja artikkeleiden, tutkimustyöraporttien ja tutkimusprojektien kautta.

    Siting deep geologic repositories for high-level nuclear waste – revisiting Finnish concept and future outlooks (pdf)


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