Type samples from bedrock surveys

Summary of dataset content:Mostly grab samples taken with a rock hammer from surface of the outcrop for the purpose of making bedrock maps. Samples are taken from the rock types typical for the area and from special rocks that require further examination.
Original application:Determination of rock types supported by other methods such as microscopic examination (thin sections) and chemical analyses (powders).
Spatial data product related to the dataset: Bedrock observations
Analysis information for the dataset:An observation form is usually available for the sampling site saved in GTK research database. More recent research data is saved in the bedrock database. Research data has been collected since the 1850s, and more systematically since the 1980s. Thin (light-permeable) microsection preparations have often been made from the samples for studying mineralogical composition. Chemical analyses have also been conducted.
Volume:Around 150,000
Resolution (sample density):Irregular
Geographic coverage:National
Sampling years (time reference):Ongoing since the 1940s
Physical form and storage conditions for the samples:Rock samples (grab samples) packed in plastic or wooden crates
Sample identification:Sample number (geological code-year-sequential number)
Resource address:
Location of the dataset:National Drill Core Archive, Loppi
Keywords:geology, bedrock, mapping, samples
Historical information: http://tupa.gtk.fi/paikkatieto/meta/bedrock_observations.html
Availability and terms of use / public availability restrictions:By separate agreement
Responsible partyGeological Survey of Finland, geodata gtk.fi
Metadata date:2020-01-15