Bedrock samples for chronological dating

Summary of dataset content:Whole rock grab samples and the separation products produced during the processing of the samples.
Original application:Determining the geological age of rocks.
Spatial data product related to the dataset:Bedrock isotope dataset (Hakku)
Analysis information for the dataset:The information given consists of location data, rock type, method, the mineral analysed, dating results, comments and references. “Published Sm-Nd isotope data" comprises Sm-Nd data produced at GTK since 1981 that is mostly used to constrain the origin of crust.
Volume:2550 samples
Resolution (sample density):Irregular, target scale
Geographic coverage:National
Sampling years (time reference):Ongoing since 1964
Physical form and storage conditions for the samples:Rock samples (grab samples) packed in wooden crates and processing products packed in small plastic containers.
Sample identification:Laboratory number
Resource address:Sampling points and analysis findings on a map:
Location of the dataset:Otaniemi, Espoo
Keywords:bedrock, absolute age, isotopes, chronological dating
Historical information:
Availability and terms of use / public availability restrictions:By separate agreement
Responsible partyGeological Survey of Finland, geodata
Metadata date: 2020-01-17