Bedrock sample analysis powders

Summary of dataset content:Processed rock powders produced from various bedrock samples (e.g. drill cores, rock piece and block samples) for the purpose of chemical analyses. Includes e.g. a lithogeochemical dataset.
Original application:Specifications of mineralogical composition and chemical elements.
Spatial data product related to the dataset:Bedrock drilling Bedrock observations Rock geochemical dataset (Hakku)
Analysis information for the dataset:Chemical analyses have been conducted on the samples. The results of these analyses can be found in the databases (or the archives prior to 1995).
Volume:Around 800,000
Resolution (sample density):Target scale
Geographic coverage:National
Sampling years (time reference):Ongoing since the 1970s
Physical form and storage conditions for the samples:Rock powders in small plastic containers (or bags); the amount varies from a few grams to a few dozen grams.
Sample identification:Order number, geologist and year
Resource address:
Location of the dataset:Loppi, Rovaniemi, Kuopio
Keywords:bedrock, geochemical studies, chemical analysis
Historical information:
Availability and terms of use / public availability restrictions:By separate agreement
Responsible partyGeological Survey of Finland, geodata
Metadata date:2020-01-17