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Data Acquisition and Storage

The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) can assist customers in selecting and implementing solutions based on their needs for the acquisition and storage of data.

Henkilö osoittaa maastokartan näkymää puhelimessaan sormella.

Key benefits

More efficient data acquisition and storage

Less manual work will be needed and the quality of acquired data will improve.

Easy-to-use data

The acquired data can be easily transferred to data management, backup and data distribution solutions.

Data saved in standard format

Data will be easier to maintain and use as it is stored in a standard format.

Acquisition of topographic data

Equipment and software used to collect topographic data have developed rapidly in recent years. The methods and software developed by GTK can be used to acquire geological research data in a format that can be directly transferred to a database, thus making it available to centralised data management, backup and data distribution solutions.

Digitisation of information in a format that makes it easier to save and use enables efficient utilisation of data.

Digitisation of existing datasets

Existing drawn or printed map datasets can be digitised and georeferenced as necessary, making them available through digital distribution channels. GTK’s expertise can be utilised in the planning of a digitisation project, equipment procurement and data quality assurance.

Data models and databases

Well-designed data models and databases based on them lay the foundation for efficient acquisition, processing and distribution of data.

With the help of GTK’s services and datasets, your organisation can ensure that it has access to industry standards and methods for managing and utilising data that take the organisation’s needs into account. Our experienced specialists are familiar with the special features of geoscience information and the appropriate data models and technical data management implementation methods.

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