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Characterisation of Raw Materials

GTK uses different methods to characterise materials for a wide range of customer needs. We provide impartial research data on, for example, the raw material potential of materials, the concentrations of valuable and harmful substances, and the potential applications of materials as new products.

A laboratory where a person is using an equipment in the front.

Key benefits

GTK’s extensive experience and equipment guarantee superior quality

GTK’s state-of-the-art equipment and extensive experience in the characterisation of geological raw materials guarantee the superior quality of both research and reporting.

An assessment of mineralogy and material composition facilitates the planning process

A detailed assessment of the mineralogy and composition of a sample lays the foundation for the planning and optimisation of further processing.

Potential for methodological development and experimental studies

The characterisation process opens a new avenue for developing methods and conducting experimental research.

GTK conducts extensive characterisations of different materials

The analysed materials can consist of primary mineral and ore samples or, for example, sediments, processing waste, metal alloys, tailings, sludge, ash, dust, industrial by-products, or construction materials. GTK produces analytics on the mineral composition of various materials, their raw material potential, the concentration of valuable materials and harmful substances, and the suitability of the materials for different uses.

Research data enables the safe use of geological raw materials.

Research services related to characterisation methods provide information on different materials for a wide range of customer needs

GTK carries out research related to the characterisation of raw materials in accordance with the customer’s needs. The characterisation of raw materials is typically needed in the following sectors and services:

  • ore prospecting
  • mining industry
  • metal processing
  • mineral industry
  • nuclear waste disposal

GTK’s research services enable the diverse characterisation of primary and secondary materials, which produces data on their raw material potential, concentrations of valuable materials, and possible applications as new products. In addition to these, GTK studies the concentrations of detrimental materials and any other risk factors related to long-term behaviour, such as the structure and phase composition of different materials.

A person if working with a laboratory equipment.

Mineralogical and isotope studies are the key to the characterisation of materials

Applied mineralogy and isotope geology are key elements when studying the bedrock and investigating ore potential. Mineralogical studies and various characterisation methods are needed throughout the life cycle of an ore deposit, from the initial assessment of the deposit to designing the mine and the enrichment plant, and even during the quality control phase of the products. Furthermore, mineralogical and isotope studies can be applied extensively to the characterisation of other geological materials and raw materials.

Learn more about GTK’s research laboratory in Espoo

A process-mineralogical analysis lays a foundation for the development of beneficiation methods

Mineralogical analyses have become essential tools in the development of, for example, mineral beneficiation methods. A mineralogical analysis focuses on material characterisation and mineralogical data, with the aim of optimising beneficiation processes and maximising the recovery of valuable materials. The latest technology and methods have created new possibilities for characterising the products of ore prospecting, mining and beneficiation processes, as well as various secondary materials and environmental samples.

Learn more about process-mineralogical research at GTK Mintec

Henkilö on lähellä laboratoriolaitetta, jota hän säätää ruuvimeisselin kanssa.

Characterisation of extractive waste promotes the planning of environmental impact management

Characterisation of the environmental properties of extractive waste can be utilised, for example, when planning the management of extractive waste and in processes related to environmental permits. The characterisation process involves short-term geochemical analyses aimed at assessing acid generation, neutralisation potential, and the mobility of harmful elements. Moreover, characterisation includes mineralogical studies for the purpose of identifying the key minerals associated with acid generation and neutralisation potential, and for discovering the sources of the harmful substances.

In addition, GTK provides more detailed studies on the long-term behaviour of waste rock, including long-term field testing and geochemical modelling.

Extractive waste areas, such as waste rock piles, are the main source of harmful seepage waters. It is essential to characterise the different waste rock types and assess their environmental properties and long-term behaviour already at the start of a mining project. This information is crucial for the planning of, for example, waste area structures, water management solutions, and utilisation of extractive waste, which are all key elements in the prevention and mitigation of the potential impacts of poor-quality seepage waters.

Henkilö on selin kuvaan päin. Hän työskentelee laboratoriolaitteen kanssa ja katsoo sen isoa näyttöä.

Tailings Can Be Utilised as a Low-Carbon Backfill Material in Mining Sites and as a Substitute for Concrete – Research Supporting Sustainable Mining Continues

Requirements related to the management of the environmental impact of mining, the reduction of waste and emissions, and the promotion of circular economy have increased. At the same time, demand for mined materials is growing. The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Savonia University of Applied Sciences, and company partners will continue their scientific collaboration to support sustainable mining and its circular economy.

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