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Baseline Studies and Assessments of the Present State of Mining Environments

Environmental impacts of the extractive industry and their management form a key aspect of all mining operations. The baseline studies and assessments of the present state of mining environments include surveys and other expert work related to the environmental impacts of the extractive industry and to the management of these impacts. To this end, GTK has extensive expertise that covers the entire life cycle of mining operations.

Person off-road taking a sample.

Key benefits

Extensive service package from a single supplier

Thanks to GTK’s comprehensive expertise in mining environments and analytics, our customers can acquire a wide selection of services from a single supplier.

Improving profitability through utilisation

Studies on the possible utilisation of all extracted material promote the profitability of the mine and ensure the sustainability of operations.

Advancing the environmental permit process for the mine

Reliable and professional studies speed up the environmental permit process for your mine.

Research-based data on environmental issues regarding mines

GTK’s baseline studies and assessments of the present state of mining environments hold benefits with regard to many environmental issues related to mines, such as matters involving watercourses, soil, land use, and reuse of materials.

GTK’s expertise covers, for example, the following:

  • environmental risk assessments for waste rock and tailings
  • utilisation assessments for extractive waste
  • waste disposal and cover solution surveys related to the closure of mines.

The geochemical and mineralogical properties of waste rock and tailings are directly linked to water quality in waste areas, and analysing this connection and finding management methods for harmful seepage waters form one of the cornerstones of GTK’s mining environment services.

By conducting appropriate environmental risk assessments on mining waste, you can choose the right management measures or potential utilisation opportunities. Furthermore, reliable environmental risk assessments and studies aimed at preventing environmental hazards improve the sustainability and social acceptability of mining activities.

Tehdasympäristö, jossa 3 henkilöä työskentelevät koneilla.

Why Is a Significant Part of Mining Industry Side Streams Left Unused, and How Could We Make Better Use of Mineral Raw Materials?

In Finland, substantial investments are made in the utilisation of geological natural resources, and there is great potential in improving the recovery of extractive waste and side streams. In fact, the competence and necessary information related to waste management and side streams already exists, yet the utilisation rate remains low. Päivi Kauppila, Chief Expert at the Geological Survey of Finland GTK, explains what is causing the situation and what could be done to improve it.

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