Post | published: 20.12.2021GTK Mintec is FinnCobalt’s Trusted Partner for Mineral Processing Tests at the Hautalampi Mine
Research ProjectResearch and risk management of the Mintec tailings pond The purpose of the project is to plan and implement the sampling of Mintec’s tailings pond to determine the fiber content of the material. The samples are sent to Finnis…
Post | published: 21.10.2019GTK Mintec – pioneering solutions for mining operations and the circular economy
Post | published: 4.9.2024Funding Proposed for the Renewal of GTK Mintec’s Pilot Plant Is a Topical Investment in the Promotion of the Mineral Sector and Circular Economy
Post | published: 20.12.2021The Modernisation and Digitalisation of GTK Mintec’s Mineral Processing Plant and Laboratories is Well Under Way
Post | published: 9.9.2021New Laboratory and Office Facilities in Outokumpu for GTK Mintec, a Developer of Sustainable Mining and Circular Economy Solutions
Post | published: 30.11.2023Hannu Lahtinen appointed Director of Raw Materials Availability and Jouko Nieminen Development Director for GTK Mintec