Webinar: What are the Raw Materials Supply Bottlenecks to the Green Transition? The Need for a New Plan

Date: November 18th 2022
Time: 8:30-10:30 UTC +2
Place: This event is held online

What are the global systemic fundamentals of raw materials that play a vital role for the security of supply and well-fare?

In the webinar you will get an introduction to the matter from Associate Professor Simon P. Michaux from Geological Survey of Finland GTK. He will also shed light on the bottlenecks in the supply chain and why we need a new plan.

He has written a report that shows that the currently known global mineral reserves will not be sufficient to supply enough metals to manufacture the planned non-fossil fuel industrial systems.

In the webinar he will also answer to some questions that has been raised in public around it. Circular economy etc. are part of the solution that GTK is researching and finding solutions.

Comments will be given by Peter Handley, Head of the Energy-Intensive Industries and Raw Materials Unit, DG GROW at European Commission and Jukka Leskelä, Managing Director, Finnish Energy.

The webinar is held in English.

Register here!


Opening words 
Saku Vuori, Director, Science and Innovations, GTK

Is one planet enough? 
Kimmo Tiilikainen, Director General, GTK

Raw Materials Supply Challenges Bottlenecks to the Green Transition – The Need for a New Plan
Simon P. Michaux, Associate Professor, GTK

Answers to the hot topics such as 

  • Is there a single technology to solve the challenge?
  • How big the power buffer should be?
  • Why was this number of electric vehicles used in the report?

What GTK is studying at the moment around circular economy and sustainable mining?  

Comment speeches

Peter Handley, Head of the Energy-Intensive Industries and Raw Materials Unit, DG GROW at European Commission

Jukka Leskelä, Managing Director, Finnish Energy

Questions from the audience 

Saku Vuori, Director, Science and Innovations, GTK


Simon Michaux

Simon Michaux

Associate Professor of geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) in KTR, the Circular Economy Solutions Unit.  Simon holds a degree in science (Bach App. Sc in Physics and Geology), and a Phd in Mining Engineering from JKMRC University of Queensland, Australia.  He has worked in industry funded research, academia and private sector in both mining and industrial recycling. His long-term objectives include the development and transformation of the Circular Economy, into a more practical system for the industrial ecosystem to navigate the twin challenges of the scarcity of technology minerals and the transitioning away from fossil fuels.


Peter HandleyPeter Handley

EU official, currently heading the team on energy-intensive industries, raw materials and hydrogen at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Previously, head of policy coordination for Energy Union, 2030 climate and energy package, low emission mobility strategy and the circular economy at the Secretariat General. Past EU trade negotiator (steel, WTO market access and industrial tariffs). Former UK government official, coordinated UK preparations for 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). Graduated in French and Politics from the University of Bristol. Studied at France’s Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA).


Jukka Leskelä

Jukka Leskelä

Jukka Leskelä is the Managing Director at Finnish Energy, a branch association of power, district heating and gas companies in Finland. Finnish Energy has 280 member companies and the association has offices in Helsinki and in Brussels.

Jukka Leskelä has represented the branch already 20 years at Finnish Energy in various positions and of which he has been the CEO for 6 years. His specialities are energy, climate change and environmental policy issues in EU and in Finland. Before that he worked 9 years at energy company Fortum with emissions control and environmental technology. He is M.Sc. in Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology.

Jukka Leskelä has held various positions in national and European organisations. Presently he is a board member of Eurelectric (the association of electricity industry in Europe) and a board member of Nordenergi (joint collaboration of Nordic energy associations).