Solutions for Critical Raw Materials – A European Expert Network 3 (SCRREEN3)

Project research area
Availability of Critical Raw Materials​ Circular Economy of Minerals​
Project duration
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026


Critical raw materials (CRMs) are essential to the energy transition and digitalization, and they are crucial for the European development and economic growth. In this context, it is vital to secure reliable and unhindered access to these resources and reduce EU dependencies on other countries. The SCRREEN3 project builds on the experience and background established in past SCRREEN initiatives and will continue to improve knowledge on CRMs, broaden a network of experts, and contribute to collaborative frameworks that will support decision-making processes at the EU level concerning CRMs and their value chains. SCRREEN3 is funded by the European Union Horizon Europe program and relies on a strong and diversified consortium comprising geological surveys, research and technology centers, academia, SMEs, Knowledge Innovation and Community, and non-profit organizations.

Contact person: Martina Bertelli

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