Mineral Resource Assessment Platform (MAP)

Project research area
Availability of Critical Raw Materials​
Project duration
01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020


Mineral Resource Assessment Platform (MAP) is an EIT RawMaterials Upscaling project. The project started 1 January 2018, and its duration is three years. The project is funded by EIT RawMaterials, and the total budget is € 1.85 million. There are eight partners in the consortium, representing all the three sides of the Knowledge Triangle: Research (Geological Survey of Finland, Iceland GeoSurvey, Geological Survey of Norway, Geological Survey of Sweden), higher education (Oulu Mining School, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and business (Beak Consultants, LTU Business).

The project produced an enhanced and upgraded method and software for the quantitative assessment of undiscovered mineral resources − MapWizard software − by integrating mineral prospectivity modelling and the three-part method. The testing phase of the software produced valuable information on undiscovered resources in the Nordic countries, Germany and the Rainbow area, Mid-Atlantic ridge. We expect MapWizard software to increase the productivity of its users and create new business possibilities for service providers.

The MapWizard software is freely available for download at https://github.com/gtkfi/MapWizard/releases, together with user manual. In addition, MapWizard was integrated into the commercial advangeo® 2D Prediction software that Beak Consultants has developed independently. For more information, please go to https://www.beak.de/advangeo/ or contact advangeo(at)beak.de.

Please find below a recording from the launching event of the MapWizard software, in which project partners also presented results from the assessments of undiscovered mineral resources in their study areas.

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