MEITIM-II: Implementation of MEITIM Program in Raw Materials Sector

Project research area
Circular Economy of Minerals​
Project duration
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026


MEITIM-II project will focus on implementing the MEITIM EIT-Label MSc program using the KAVA funding to support students’ mobility and practical training that integrates multidisciplinary activities developed by industry and RTO partners in the curricula that students will follow. This practical integration of the three sides of the KT is firmly committed to training a skilled workforce. Entrepreneurial talent demands an understanding of both mining operations and technologies. It can integrate new technologies into operations for the coming years’ industry needs while defining a self-sustaining model for the MEITIM program that aims to become the leading innovative program in its field.

MEITIM-II project aims to develop, expand and consolidate the MEITIM EIT-Label program through:
– Consolidate the program and strengthen its academic and teaching structure, preparing it for possible mid-term expansions.
– Intensification of student recruitment through an intense communication and dissemination strategy.
– Strengthening the international mobility of students by complementing the offer of AVSA scholarships for students with a range of other opportunities (i.e. Erasmus+, company scholarships, etc.).
– Development of an innovative and competitive Summer School to complete the entrepreneurship training.
– Development of complementary activities with the active participation of the consortium partners.
– Consolidate the annual edition of the MEITIM International Workshop on Skills and Competencies of the XXIst Century Workforce as a central event for students.
– Periodic meetings with leading industry and research partners of EIT RawMaterials to regularly define and update the framework of industry needs in coming years in skilled workforce and entrepreneurial talent, together with the relation with stakeholders.
– Strengthening the social dimension of the program.

The project is co-financed by the EIT RawMaterials Academy.

Project manager: Małgorzata Szlachta

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