HazArctic – Geo-Bio Hazards in the Arctic Region
- Project research area
- Geoenvironment Sustainable Water Resources
- Project duration
- 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021
Kolarctic CBC project “HazArctic – Geo-Bio Hazards in the Arctic Region” approaches environmental problems and risks of geo-bio hazards in the Arctic region. It will study areal extension, mechanism and risk for oxidation of environments which can produce hazardously acid substances, both in man-made mining areas and potentially hazardous sulfur bearing Litorina clay sediments. Also the role of microbes in the geo-bio interaction in possible hazardous environments will be studied. In addition, studies related to the mine environments, for example stability of closed and open mines and mine tailings reuse, will be carried out. Project will also focus on training and analyzing of the best practices.
HazArctic is a co-operation project between Geological Surveys from Finland, Sweden and Norway (GTK, SGU, NGU), Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) as well as Geological Institute and Mining Institute from the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”. It is funded by Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 program, EU, Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland with the contribution from the project partners. Total budget is approx. 1.29 M€ and implementation period is 2019-2021.