Deep-Heat-Flows: Discovering Deep Geothermal Resources in Low-Enthalpy Crystalline Settings

Project research area
Energy Transition​
Project duration
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2027


Increasing the uptake of geothermal resources beyond volcanic and rifting areas offers near-unlimited energy for multiple spheres of our economy and society, including direct heating and electricity generation. However, finding these resources is a global challenge that will require a new understanding of how heat is stored and transferred in lower-temperature settings. Our project identifies the natural processes that create deep crystalline reservoirs in relatively lower-temperature areas, with a particular interest in the EU Nordic region. We will combine geophysical datasets, information from deep boreholes, outcropping rocks, and microscopic observations into a unified model that explains how these rock formations perform as geothermal reservoirs. As a result, we will de-risk deep drilling uncertainties and ensure that large geothermal resources can become economically available globally – key to achieve our energy security while supporting global decarbonisation goals.

Contact person: Alan Bischoff

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