Magnetic Separation
Magnetic separation is one of the basic methods used in beneficiation. It is used for separating minerals with different magnetic properties. Magnetic separation is usually used in iron ore beneficiation, but it is also often used as part of different types of combination processes.

Both permanent magnet separation and electromagnetic separation technology have progressed a great deal lately. The development of neodymium magnets used in permanent magnet applications, as well as super conducting and other strong magnet separators in electromagnetic applications, has opened new application opportunities for the method.
GTK’s mineral technology unit has versatile magnetic separation equipment for studies as well as experience in the beneficiation of different kinds of ores and other samples. Research is conducted with batch laboratory tests and continuous factory tests.
GTK has a Dings-Davis tube separator (DDT) for basic studies, a Frantz separator for testing mineralogical samples. A Satmagan magnetite analyser is used for defining properties of samples and an MSB device for measuring susceptibility.
GTK also has a Bell gauss gauge for measuring the fields of separators.
For laboratory studies, we have conventional Sala wet weak magnetic separators and dry neodymium belt separators. We perform HGMS separation with a Sala separator with a maximum field intensity of 2 T. The field intensity for dry the neodymium is 1 T at maximum.
At the test factory, we have conventional Sala wet low-intensity magnetic separation drums, and our newest separator type is a continuously operating SLon high gradient magnetic separator with a maximum field intensity of approximately 1 T.