Gravity and Heavy Medium Separation

Gravity and heavy medium separation methods are used when separating minerals with different specific gravities.

Two persons working with laboratory equipment. The other has climbed a bit higher and the other is using the equipment from the floor level.

Typical examples of such industrial minerals include chromite and kimberlite. The method is also used in precious metal and sulphide ore combination processes and in a variety of recycling processes as an auxiliary method.

GTK’s mineral processing unit has extensive experience in different applications of this separation technique.

Laboratory studies usually start with small-scale shaking table tests and mineralogical analysis.

Our pilot plant has several types of spiral separators and full-scale shaking tables for testing. We also have a Knelson centrifugal separator available.

Pneumatic separators, such as a sluice, a jig, and a shaking table, can be used for dry-process application studies.

The basics of heavy medium separation can be studied with an Erickson cone and a small sample size. The pilot plant also has a drum separator that is used for pebble-sized materials (75 mm). A variety of ferro-silicon fractions are used as medium in separation.