Projects and Publications

GTK’s project activities were developed to support our new strategy during its first year.

The whole of last year was defined by the coronavirus pandemic and this was also reflected in GTK’s project activities. Despite the challenging year, GTK engaged in preparatory work and finalised a number of on-going projects. In addition, the aim was to preserve the diversity of our project activities which focused on the efficiency of our self-financed and jointly financed operations and on maintaining our customer operations. GTK was able to adapt to the new normal in terms of remote work, and projects were finalised with the help of new operating methods and in collaboration with our customers and stakeholders. International project activities were affected the most by the pandemic. Despite the changes in schedules and other adjustments, we were able to continue these operations rather well considering the challenging circumstances.

It is particularly positive that GTK was able to adapt project activities to support the new strategy. Most of our chargeable and jointly financed projects (around 85%) are directly targeted at the focus areas or areas of growing influence defined in the our new strategy. The positive funding decisions for five research projects granted by the Academy of Finland were also successful. The total funding for these projects is around EUR 2 million.



The extraordinary year introduced no significant changes to our publishing activities. The total number of annual publications has remained stable.