Sustainability Report 2021

The goal of our sustainability work is to have a positive impact on the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As a research and expert organisation, our most efficient way to promote the goals is by producing related research data and solutions.
Solutions based on geoscience provide answers to global challenges such as climate change, urbanisation, growing energy needs, the transition of transport and the sufficiency of clean water. Geological expertise contributes to the sustainable and developing use of natural resources in Finland and abroad.
In 2021, we summed up GTK’s purpose as follows: we offer solutions based on geoscientific understanding to society and companies to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and carbon-neutral world. Our sustainability work is based on advancing the goals of UN’s 2030 Agenda and the Finnish government’s Agenda 2030 roadmap. On this basis, we have selected five UN Sustainable Development Goals, which we can most significantly contribute to with our actions.
Sustainability is part of our strategic development and management. We review the progress of our work annually in the Sustainability report. We report the measures taken to achieve the goals and identify areas where we could do better. Our research and operational activities are steered by legislation and administrative monitoring, as well as our ethical principles: impartiality, independence and reliability.
For Earth and For Us
Geosciences play an important role in the global implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Geology can be used in managing the impacts of climate change, supporting decision making related to environmental change and protection, and ensuring the supply and sustainable use of critical raw materials.
GTK`s sustainability goals are based on selected UN Sustainable Development Goals. We also examine our sustainability work through environmental, social and governance sustainability.
Get to know our goalsGeological Survey of Finland`s Code of Conduct sets out our key operating principles. It describes our principles of conduct and what our policies mean for our work and our interactions with stakeholders.
The Geological Survey of Finland’s Operational Non-Discrimination Plan for 2023‒2027 covers operations and development measures to ensure equal treatment of our customers and other stakeholders.
The Non-Discrimination and Gender Equality Plan of the Geological Survey of Finland includes objectives and measures to promote equity, gender equality, and the diversity of personnel.