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Xiao Longying
Senior scientist

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I am interested in developing efficient computational geophysical methods for modeling and inversion, along with innovative techniques, to make a meaningful impact on natural resources (minerals, geothermal, hydrogen, groundwater) exploration, as well as environmental studies.

I had experience with 3D time-domain and frequency-domain electromagnetic inversion, time-lapse inversion, anisotropic magnetotelluric, and controlled-source electromagnetic modeling.

Current projects:
MULTIVERSE: Harnessing the power of machine learning to develop a fast physics-informed PDE solver.
UNDERCOVER: Developing joint inversions of different geophysical methods. 
DroneSOM.speed: Optimizing the performance of the development from DroneSOM.

Past projects:
DroneSOM: To develop 3D frequency-domain electromagnetic inversion to interpret drone-based data.