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Niko Putkinen is a Senior Scientist at Geological Survey of Finland. After having graduated from University of Oulu, he spend a Post Doc year in the Planet Earth Lab at UTSC on ice streaming over soft and hard beds across the Laurentide ice sheet. His current interests are in the modern and past climate variations control glacier operation. Understanding of past glacial environments and processes has a direct linkage to the regional scale 3D mapping and aquifer systems characterization as well as the vast field of urban geology in glaciated regions. Other interests focus to the methodological development of mapping utilize new technology, geo-data management and models that improve the interoperabilty of remote sensing, geophysical and geological models. Currently Niko is a Glacial Geology Docent in University of Helsinki and works intensively as a chief scientist and a project leader in numerous projects including the Scandinavian largest groundwater exploration project.