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Samrit Luoma (Ph.D.Geology) is a Senior Scientist, Groundwater modeler and GIS expert at GTK. Since 2004 she is a Geologist for several European Programme’s projects related to groundwater and environmental impacts studies: EU-Life+ Environmental Programme, TEKES Green Mining Project for management of water balance and quality in mining areas. Groundwater modeler for BaltCICA INTERREG IIIB Baltic Sea Region projects, RAINMAN project – Adaptive capacity in urban water management under climate change, Academy of Finland -BONUS-SEAMOUNT project – submarine groundwater discharge, POKOARI project – Risk management for groundwater bodies with poor chemical status in Finland, POVEYTKE project – groundwater monitoring and vulnerability assessment of aquifers in south Finland. Her PhD (2011-2017) work was on groundwater vulnerability assessment under climate change with the integrations of 3D geological and groundwater flow models, geochemistry and geostatistics.
Projects and publications:
Groundwater: Comparison of the vulnerability methods under future climate-change scenarios
BaltCICA: Impacts of Future Climate Change and Baltic Sea Level Rise on Groundwater Recharge
HyGLO: Hydrogeology and the Global Change
Submarine groundwater discharge site in Hanko
Geochemistry of groundwater in Hanko
Arsenic in bedrock groundwater in the Tampere Region
Arsenic in bedrock, soil and groundwater in Finland
Risk Assessment and Management Procedure for Arsenic in the Tampere Region