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Boman Anton
Senior Scientist, PhD, Associate Professor (Docent)

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I have more than 20 years of experience in acid sulfate (AS) soil research, specializing in environmental solutions and environmental changes related to these soils. My main research focuses on understanding geochemical processes, particularly sulfur dynamics, in AS soils. I am developing methods to characterize and map AS soils, with a particular interest in sulfur speciation of AS soils and sulfidic sediments. I have a strong national and international network involving universities, research organizations, environmental agencies, and stakeholders within forestry and agriculture. Currently, I am chairing the national (since 2023) and international (since 2018) acid sulfate soils working groups. Academically, I am an Associate Professor (Docent) in “Acid Sulfate Soils” at Åbo Akademi University.

Projects and publications:

Development of field methods for identification of acid sulfate soil materials - Final report of the TUNNISTUS-project

National guide on acid sulfate soils for construction projects

Boman, A., Mattbäck, S., Becher, M., Yli-Halla, M., Sohlenius, G., Auri, J., Öhrling, C., Liwata-Kenttälä, P. & Edén, P., 2023. Classification of acid sulfate soils and materials in Finland and Sweden: Re-introduction of para-acid sulfate soils and soil materials. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 95, 161-186.

Edén, P., Boman, A., Mattbäck, S., Auri, J., Yli-Halla., M. & Österholm, P., 2023. Mapping, characterization, impacts, new types, and extent of acid sulfate soils in Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 95, 135-160.

Toivonen, J., & Boman, A., 2024. Discharge of potentially toxic elements from acid sulfate soils in western Finland: conflict between water protection and land use? Regional Studies in Marine Science 71, 103426.

Mattbäck, S., Boman, A., Sandfält, A. & Österholm, P., 2022. Leaching of acid generating materials and elements from coarse- and fine-grained acid sulfate soil materials. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 232, 106880.

Mattbäck, S., Boman, A. & Österholm, P., 2017. Hydrogeochemical impact of coarse-grained post-glacial acid sulfate soil materials. Geoderma 308, 291-301.

Dalhem, K., Mattbäck, S., Boman, A. & Österholm, P., 2021. A simplified distillation-based sulfur speciation method for sulfidic soil materials. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 93, 19-30.

Boman, A., Fröjdö, S., Backlund, K. & Åström, M. E., 2010. Impact of isostatic land uplift and artificial drainage on oxidation of brackish-water sediments rich in metastable iron sulfide. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 1268-1281.

Boman, A., Åström, M. & Fröjdö, S., 2008. Sulfur dynamics in boreal acid sulfate soils rich in metastable iron sulfide – The role of artificial drainage. Chemical Geology 255, 68-77.