FINMARI Researcher Day 2024

Date: 07.03.2024Location: Vuorimiehentie 5, 02150 Espoo

The Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year! In 2024, the annual FINMARI Researcher Day is held at the Geological Survey of Finland.

Date: Thursday 7 March 2024, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (UTC+2)
Location: Auditorium, Geological Survey of Finland GTK
Address: Vuorimiehentie 5, 02150 Espoo, on the map

We are delighted to offer timely keynote speeches by

  • Aleksi Nummelin, FMI: What Destination Earth Digital Twins have to offer for the ocean realm
  • Isaac Santos, University of Gothenburg: Submarine groundwater discharge
  • Nicolas Pade, EMBRC: European Marine Biological Resource Centre EMBRC

The day`s program consists of presentations, posters, and pitches about the ecological state, bio- and geodiversity, the effects of climate change, the green transition, and other current topics relevant to marine research in the Baltic Sea.

Please note, that this is an on-site event only and registration is required.

Registration for the event has now closed. 

FINMARI Researcher Day 2024 program

Time (UTC +2)


Presentation title

9:00 Morning coffee and registration
9:30 Aku Heinonen, Director, Science and Innovations, GTK Opening address


Session 1 Ι Chair: Aarno Kotilainen (GTK)

Isaac Santos Keynote presentation: Submarine groundwater discharge
Joonas Wasiljeff Morphology Modulated Magnetic Characteristics in Coastal Fe-Mn Concretions
Anu Kaskela Seabed geodiversity of the Archipelago Sea, the Baltic Sea
Saara Mäkelin Drivers of variation in benthic faunal carbon and nutrient stocks over temporal and spatial scales
Leena Virta Benthic diatoms in a changing Baltic Sea
Discussion, Q&A
11:00 Technical break


Session 2 Ι Chair: Joonas Virtasalo (GTK)

Aleksi Nummelin Keynote presentation: What Destination Earth Digital Twins have to offer for the ocean realm?
Leena Laamanen-Nicolas State of the Baltic Sea
Sakari Sarkkola Presentation of the infrastructure and operation of the forest water pollution monitoring network
Kari Lehtonen Detection of effects of environmental stressors on aquatic organisms
Kimmo Tikka New results and future plans in Glider observation in the Baltic Sea
Lauri Laakso Geopolitical situation in the Baltic Sea – research needs and funding opportunities
Discussion, Q&A
13:00 Lunch break


Poster session Ι Chair: Maiju Lehtiniemi (Syke)

Poster pitches á 3 min, followed by a poster gallery walk & afternoon coffee


Session 3 Ι Chair: Joanna Norkko (UHEL Tvärminne Zoological Station)

Nicolas Pade Keynote presentation: European Marine Biological Resource Centre EMBRC-ERIC
Christian Pansch-Hattich Four years of mesocosm development and research across environmental gradients in the archipelago of SW Finland
Conny Sjöqvist Temperature optima of a natural diatom population increases as global warming proceeds
Lars Pelikan  Duration of coexistence with a novel type of invasive predator increases prey survival
Aarne Lauerma The effects of maternal thyroid hormones on the egg size, hatching success and larval properties of the Baltic herring in the Baltic Sea
Nicolas Goñi An overview of current knowledge gaps on Bothnian herring ecology, and how to address them
Discussion, Q&A
16:30 Closing and FINMARI 10-yr cocktails

Further information

The FINMARI website:
FINMARI ‒ Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure

Questions about the event? Please contact: