The Battery Mineral Project Produced New Knowledge About Critical Raw Material Potential in Finland
The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) has published new data on the raw materials needed for batteries (lithium, graphite and cobalt). The GTK’s completed battery mineral project identified areas where they are likely to occur. The latest interesting discovery are new lithium indications found in the Kuortane area. GTK investigated several potential areas around Finland.
The European Union has listed the critical and strategic raw materials that have great economic importance for Europe but which have a high risk of supply disruption. The lists also include the critical raw materials lithium, graphite and cobalt, which were studied in the GTK project. Increased demand for batteries has also added the base metals nickel and copper to the list.
Increased information about potential lithium areas
The lithium studies of the project have focused for example on Central and South Ostrobothnia as well as the Kitee region. According to the results, the lithium potential of Kitee and Tohmajärvi is higher than previously interpreted. The Dragbacken site discovered to the west of the known lithium deposits in Kaustinen increased the knowledge of the extent of the potential area also in Central Ostrobothnia.
The most recent studies conducted in South Ostrobothnia showed that the potential lithium deposit area in the Seinäjoki and Kuortane region is also wider than previously was understood. The investigations discovered new, interesting lithium-bearing pegmatite boulders and outcrops for example on the western side of Lake Kuortane.
Flake graphite can be found widely throughout Finland
The graphite used in the battery industry often occurs in nature as flake graphite. The size of the graphite’s flakes is an important factor in terms of its usability. The national study identified high potential for the occurrence of flake graphite in more than 50 municipalities across Finland, from Kittilä to Häme (Valtakunnallinen grafiittipotentiaalin kartoitus 2020-2022 and Valtakunnallisen grafiittipotentiaalin täydentävä kartoitus 2023).
The highest potential is concentrated south of Oulu in Häme and Pirkanmaa, South Savo and North Karelia, as well as in Ostrobothnia and South Ostrobothnia. Two previously unpublished targeted surveys Käpysuo in Rautalampi and Takkula-Jylhä in Pälkäne increase understanding of the quality and quantity of flake graphite at these sites.
The project’s investigations identified a new potential graphite site in Kruunupyy, Central Ostrobothnia which also includes elevated nickel and cobalt concentrations. At this site, the graphite flakes are fine, but in GTK’ laboratory research, the graphite could be processed to 99% purity. This increases the possibility of continuing research on how to utilise fine-flaked graphite as battery material. Anomalous concentrations of cobalt were also found in surveys at the Kedonkangas site in Evijärvi.
New research on the potential occurrence of rare earth elements
In the final year of the project, a preliminary mapping of the potential occurrence of rare earth elements and other critical minerals in and around the Central Finland Granitoid Complex was carried out. The mapping utilised GTK’s extensive datasets and their combination using, for example, machine learning methods.
No new occurrences were found in the surveys, but the results indicate several potential areas of further research with a wide range of critical minerals. Research results on rare earth elements have also been published from Kortejärvi in Pudasjärvi, where a small mineralisation containing phosphorus and rare earths has been identified in a carbonate rock c. 2 kilometres long.
Statutory task of creating and maintaining high-quality knowledge and competence in the field of geology
GTK often conducts its exploration in areas which private exploration companies are also interested in. To ensure uninterrupted investigations and the impartial operation of GTK, GTK has applied for a reservation or exploration permit area under the Mining Act for some of the sites. GTK will submit a declaration of surrender to the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) for the the following mineral exploration area applications on 3 May 2024 at 8.00 am:
Pikkalantausta (ML2023:0033, Kuortane)
Kortejärvi (ML2015:0018, Pudasjärvi) (report and material]
Pirttikoski (ML2012:0040, Hämeenlinna) (report and material)
Käpysuo (ML2018:0123, Rautalampi)
Koivuniemi (ML2019:0063, Rautalampi)
Riita-aho (ML2022:0005, Kuusamo
The GTK is reporting on these sites either as work reports or, if necessary, in the format required by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes). The GTK also reports today the expired exploration permit area Kotka 1 (ML2016:0034, Hämeenlinna) (report and material).
The objective of the statutory activities of the GTK is to create and maintain internationally high-quality scientific knowledge and expertise in the field of geology and to produce innovations for the needs of society and business life. Through its activities, the research centre contributes to the competitiveness of businesses and regions and supports the design and implementation of social policies. GTK is an impartial and non-profit expert organisation that operates independently of its customers.
The reports published today in the project
LCT-pegmatiittitutkimukset Etelä-Pohjanmaalla 2021–2023
Battery mineral investigations in the Ostrobothnian Schist Belt, Western Finland, 2019–2022
Esiselvitys Keski-Suomen granitoidikompleksin mineraalipotentiaalista
Valtakunnallinen grafiittipotentiaalin kartoitus 2020–2022: Loppuraportti
Valtakunnallisen grafiittipotentiaalin täydentävä kartoitus 2023
The investigations in Kedonkangas, Evijärvi, Western Finland
Grafiittitutkimus Luopioisissa 2019–2021: Takkulan ja Jylhän esiintymät
Grafiittitutkimukset Rautalammin Käpysuolla vuosina 2016–2019
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Kortejärvi 1 (ML2015:0018) apatiitti- ja REE-tutkimusten loppuraportti
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Kortejärvi 1 (ML2015:0018) apatiitti- ja REE-tutkimusten aineisto
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Kotka 1 (ML2016:0034) Cu–REE–(±Au–Co)-tutkimusten loppuraportti
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Kotka 1 (ML2016:0034) Cu–REE–(±Au–Co)-tutkimusten aineisto
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Pirttikoski 1 (ML2012:0040) Cu–Au-tutkimusten loppuraportti
Malminetsintälupa-alueen Pirttikoski 1 (ML2012:0040) Cu–Au-tutkimusten aineisto
More information
Asko Käpyaho, Head of Unit, Mineral Economy Solutions
Geological Survey of Finland GTK
tel. +358 29 503 2327
Hanna Leväniemi, Team Manager
Geological Survey of Finland GTK
tel. +358 29 503 2271