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Survey of Old Mining Waste Areas in Finland

The survey is based on the European Commission’s recommendation for the remediation strategy of closed and abandoned mining waste areas (the so-called Mining Waste Directive). In Finland, this work has now been carried out for a decade in KAJAK projects whose participants include the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, FinnMin (Finnish Mining Association) and Envineer Oy.

Future of Risk Assessment and Remediation

The KAJAK projects created a list of old mining waste areas and a risk assessment guide that serve as the basis for more detailed risk assessments and possible remediation plans. The ‘Maaperä kuntoon’ (Remediate the soil) programme run by the Pirkanmaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment coordinates site-specific studies by contractor companies. Several municipalities have also launched remediation efforts. For example, the municipality of Ylöjärvi is remediating the tailings area of the closed gold mine at Haveri. SYKE has examined the legal liabilities and obligations associated with the remediation of old mining areas. GTK’s current role in the site-specific risk assessments of closed and abandoned mining waste areas is the production of geochemical data and models.