GTK Continues the Development of New Working Methods as One of the Pioneers in the Public Administration

What is the new kind of working culture like in the researcher organisation of public administration? GTK tests and develops new working methods open-mindedly in its GTK 2.0 – Future Location Independent Work – Change Program. The successful work, which started at the beginning of last year, will be continued with more precise foci until the beginning of 2023.

The “GTK 2.0 – Location Independent Work” pilot ended last February. During the one-year pilot, the GTK tested and conceptualised, for example, new office and workspace models, modern technology and information system solutions, a new kind of development of the expertise of personnel as well as means to build communality in multi-location work. The goal was to streamline the work of GTK’s employees in the new hybrid everyday life – to create a basis for a novel multi-location culture.

The successful work continued immediately at the beginning of March with more precise foci as the GTK 2.0 change programme in which work will continue until the end of February 2023. The work of the change programme now focuses on strengthening the new culture, supporting supervisor work and developing communications in the work community. Alongside these, we will also continue developing the genuine multi-locality and deployment of the technology and tools of location independent work.

“The GTK 2.0 pilot raised our ways of working to a new level and us to one of the pioneers in multi-location work in the public administration. By means of the change programme, we now also ensure our readiness to develop our activities in the future. The new foci indicate what is essential to ensure success in the future as well,” says Kimmo Tiilikainen, GTK’s Director General, and continues:

“At the same time, we will strengthen co-operation with our partners in the change programme and with other agencies to create common working methods and work environments. We encourage others in the public administration to take part in joint development, since all will benefit from the sharing of experiences and operating methods.”

The GTK participates, for example, in the Mopa programme on multi-location work of the Government ICT Centre Valtori and in Senate Properties’ work environment ecosystem work, ensuring for its part successful, customer-oriented solutions with regard to both the premises and to ICT. In addition, the organisation actively shares its experiences at stakeholder events and with other actors in the public administration.

GTK 2.0 note

The GTK 2.0 change programme will lead GTK toward a new culture of multi-location work

During the pilot year, the GTK adopted new hybrid working methods and developed suitable solutions to ensure the smooth flow of work. In other words, the pilot sped up and supported GTK’s culture change – that which the GTK needs in everyday life in order to become one of the world’s best geosurvey organisations. At the same time, the GTK 2.0 pilot promoted, for its part, the shift of the working methods of the entire public administration toward genuine multi-location work be developing solutions applicable to all agencies and by increasing co-operation between agencies. The GTK 2.0 pilot has been recognised in the Kaiku development contest of New Work of the state’s Services for Working Life, in which it will participate in the finals, competing for the development award to be announced in May.

On the basis of the pilot, the GTK 2.0 change programme will continue to create experiments and concepts scalable to the entire public administration. Thus, the work is not only limited to GTK’s internal cultural change – it will also help to reshape, where applicable, the working methods of the entire public administration and promote the rise to a new level of the working culture of the entire public administration.

The project team of the rchange programme consists of experts in public administration, working life and technology. Government ICT Centre ValtoriMinistry of FinanceSenate PropertiesFujitsu FinlandCSC – IT Center for Science and Elisa act as partners.

The change programme work can be followed in social media with the hashtags #uusinormaalityö and #newnormalwork. You can find more information on the foci and experiments of the GTK 2.0 change programme here.