Geological Survey of Finland Selected to Coordinate EU’s Geological Partnership With Tanzania and Zambia
The European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) is intensifying cooperation between Member States and non-EU partner countries that produce raw materials. In the first phase, the European Commission opened four geological partnership opportunities for raw materials partners and those negotiating about raw materials in Africa. These so-called country windows are part of the PanAfGeo+ project. The Commission assigned the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) to coordinate the windows for both Tanzania and Zambia, as GTK already has an active presence in both countries.
The country windows are part of the four-year PanAfGeo+ project that supports the development of skills and institutional capacity of the staff in African Geological Surveys. The competence-building training aims to supplement the professional skills of staff and technical capabilities. The project involves 14 European geological research centres.
The country windows of Zambia and Tanzania are coordinated by GTK; the one of Uganda by the Slovenian Geological Survey; and the one of Rwanda by the Polish Geological Survey. In the next phase, a section enabling investments in the country windows will be launched, and three more country windows will be opened.
“The country windows are important to Finland. The European Commission will grant additional funding for the geological development, as well as the development of mining industries and value chains in the CRMA partner countries. The responsibility for a country window opens opportunities for more extensive cooperation,” says Kimmo Tiilikainen, Director General of GTK.
GTK was already involved in the first phase, the PanAfGeo1 project, for example in Cameroon, Zambia and Senegal in the 2010s. The third phase, the PanAfGeo+ project, is now starting, in which GTK plays a strong role as an expert in raw materials and as the leader of the work package on groundwater research.
Antony Mavunde, Minister for Minerals of Tanzania, (second from right) gave a speech at the Finnish breakfast event during the Tanzania Mineral and Investment Conference 2024. From left Kimmo Tiilikainen, Director General, GTK; Humphrey Simba, Director of ASNL; Theresa Zitting, Ambassador of Finland in Tanzania and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé, Head of International Projects, GTK.
GTK’s recent activities in Africa demonstrated its commitment, experience and competence to the Commission. Close cooperation has been carried out, for example, in Tanzania, where last year one GTK expert participated in developing digital services of the Tanzanian Geological Survey through funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Zambia is conducting a country-wide airborne geophysical survey over the coming years. The quality assurance and quality control of this project is conducted by GTK, with initial funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This will be continued with funding from the European Commission. In addition to training, the country window in Zambia examines how airborne geophysical data can be used to find critical raw materials. Further, these data may be utilised for further applications, such as groundwater research. Previously, GTK was involved in a World Bank funded project in Zambia which promoted the restoration and closure of mine waste areas.
GTK has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with both countries, which are also long-term development partners of Finland.
A wide range of European geological research institutes are involved in the country windows coordinated by the GTK. The work is foreseen to start in April 2025. In addition, GTK may also become involved in other country windows.
PanAfGeo is a pan-African project co-funded by the European Union and a consortium of European geological surveys (EuroGeoSurveys). It is a cooperation with the Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS). The project is coordinated by the Geological Survey of France (BRGM).
Further information
Geological Survey of Finland Has Several Projects in Africa – More Impact With On-site Trainings
The EU Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) Entered Into Force
Kimmo Tiilikainen, Director General
Geological Survey of Finland GTK
Tel. +358 29 503 2200