Finland’s Geoscience Information Is Still Among the Best in the World

Finland’s attractiveness for mining industry investments decreased in the Fraser Institute’s Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2021. Finnish geoscience information was ranked among the best in the world.

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The Fraser Institute’s annual survey evaluates the attractiveness of different countries and locations for mining investments based on mineral potential and political factors.

Finland’s ranking has varied throughout the years. Last year Finland was the 10th most attractive country for global mining investors. This year, Finland narrowly missed out on global top 10 countries, being the most attractive country in Europe.

The operating environment in Finland was ranked 9th globally. This was due to Finland’s comprehensive geoscience information, high-quality infrastructure, straightforward laws and the transparency of the Finnish social system, among others.

Digital geodata sets are a significant factor in making mining investment decisions.

‘The geoscience information we produce is high in quality on a global scale thanks to our extensive work, strong expertise and the technological solutions we use. Using artificial intelligence has provided new opportunities for refining and processing geoscience information’, says Niina Ahtonen Director, Geoscience Information and ICT.

The 2021 Annual Survey of Mining Companies was sent to around 2,200 mineral exploration, development and mining companies throughout the world. The survey was conducted between 23 August and 11 November 2021, with a total of 290 mining executives responding to it.

Link to the survey:

Further information:
Director, Geoscience Information and ICT, Niina Ahtonen
tel. +358 29 503 3638