Data-Enabled Solutions for Circular Economy Challenge Competition Has Started

Data is widely seen as an enabler for future circular economy. Data is needed to design sustainable solutions and value chains, from raw materials management to end users in a circular economy. Still, many opportunities are yet to be discovered. The Circular Design Network project together with our partnering organisations is looking for novel data solutions to circular challenges. The project is funded by the Academy of Finland. The project partners are Aalto University, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Natural resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and VTT.

The collaboration partners are looking for solutions to six challenges

The competition is looking for ideas and solutions to extend the lifetime of products, to replace tangible products with services, to create a resource-based business, and to boost the reuse of materials.

The six practical challenges concern agricultural side streams, circular textiles, the battery recycling, mine waste, demolition and city open data. The challenges are from the collaboration partners Valio, Helsinki City & Motiva Services, Espoo City, Akkukierrätys Pb, Recser, Finnish Mining Association and Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto

“The panel evaluates the proposals as a whole based on the following criteria: how comprehensively the solution solves the challenge, how essentially data is part of the solution; novelty and impact, and feasibility. Proposed solutions can be early-stage ideas of more mature concepts,” says Research Professor Tommi Kauppila, Geological Survey of Finland.

With the challenge, the project wants to boost the creation of disruptive and multi-disciplinary solutions, and the important collaboration in circular economy.

More information

Data-Enabled Solutions for Circular Economy Challenge Competition

Circular Design Network project

Tommi Kauppila, Research Professor
Geological Survey of Finland
tel. +358 29 503 3710