2022 Was a Success for the Geological Survey of Finland

Despite the challenging global situation, last year was a success for GTK. Highlights included success in research funding calls, the development of GTK Mintec’s pilot plant and laboratory building, and progress in building a new working culture as a pilot organisation in the central government.

Rock and mineral samples are examined under a microscope

The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) aims to be one of the best geosurvey organisations in the world, providing society and companies with solutions to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and carbon-neutral world based on geoscientific understanding.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has raised questions related to energy generation and the security of supply to the fore. Focus has been placed increasingly on questions of where to source the raw materials required for the green transition and how to guarantee the supply of energy. The war has increased costs, affected the availability of components and partly delayed investments.

Despite the challenging global situation, last year was a success for GTK. The organisational structure introduced in 2020 has become established and the implementation of the current strategy has proceeded as planned. Based on feedback given by our customers and stakeholders, we have succeeded in our strategic goals. The negative impact of the pandemic on our activities was less than expected.

In 2022, we succeeded exceptionally well in research funding calls. Last year, nearly a fifth of all scientific publications were done in cooperation with companies.

The cornerstone of GTK Mintec’s new office and laboratory building was set in the autumn of 2022. We are developing GTK Mintec into one of the world’s leading research and pilot platforms. Reducing emissions and water consumption in mining operations and using side streams have become key questions in the mining industry. To respond to this demand, we are planning to modernise the pilot plant and expand the research and development capacity.

As a pilot organisation in the central government, we have developed new ways of working, as well as our operating culture and management. The GTK 2.0 change programme strengthened GTK’s image as a pioneer in multilocational work and a new working culture in the central government.

In the autumn of 2022, we began to prepare our new strategy. As part of its preparation, we asked our customers and stakeholders about the key global development paths to which our geological expertise can be applied. In the preparation of our new strategy for 2024–2027, we will further strengthen and sharpen our strategic focus points by analysing our operating environment and updated future outlook.

More information

Samu Valpola, Director, Finance and Management System, Geological Survey of Finland
tel. +358 29 503 5245, samu.valpola@gtk.fi