Siirry asiantuntijahakuun
Expertise in electrodialysis, electrocoagulation, electrooxidation, electro-Fenton, Photo-electrocatalysis, Photo-Fenton, electrochemical fuel cells, Sustainable catalytic electrode material synthesis for the electrocatalytic system. Synthesis of catalytic material from biopolymers such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carbon nanofibers; Synthesis of bio-based composites; Lignin to value added chemicals using electrochemical methods.
Applications: Life Cycle Assessment, Rare earth metal recovery from waste, metal recovery from wastewater, nutrient recovery, wastewater treatment, Disinfection of wastewater.
1.Origin: Data analysis and modeling
2.R-Programing: Used for Data analysis and process modeling.
3.Python: Used for data analysis, PARAFAC, process modeling, and Life cycle assessment.
4.MATLAB: Process modeling using Artificial neural networking, Multicurve surface analysis, PARAFAC and for exper