Boman Anton
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Happamien sulfaattimaiden kansallinen opas rakennushankkeisiin
Boman, A., Mattbäck, S., Becher, M., Yli-Halla, M., Sohlenius, G., Auri, J., Öhrling, C., Liwata-Kenttälä, P. & Edén, P., 2023. Classification of acid sulfate soils and materials in Finland and Sweden: Re-introduction of para-acid sulfate soils and soil materials. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 95, 161-186.
Edén, P., Boman, A., Mattbäck, S., Auri, J., Yli-Halla., M. & Österholm, P., 2023. Mapping, characterization, impacts, new types, and extent of acid sulfate soils in Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 95, 135-160.
Toivonen, J., & Boman, A., 2024. Discharge of potentially toxic elements from acid sulfate soils in western Finland: conflict between water protection and land use? Regional Studies in Marine Science 71, 103426.
Mattbäck, S., Boman, A., Sandfält, A. & Österholm, P., 2022. Leaching of acid generating materials and elements from coarse- and fine-grained acid sulfate soil materials. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 232, 106880.
Mattbäck, S., Boman, A. & Österholm, P., 2017. Hydrogeochemical impact of coarse-grained post-glacial acid sulfate soil materials. Geoderma 308, 291-301.
Dalhem, K., Mattbäck, S., Boman, A. & Österholm, P., 2021. A simplified distillation-based sulfur speciation method for sulfidic soil materials. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 93, 19-30.
Boman, A., Fröjdö, S., Backlund, K. & Åström, M. E., 2010. Impact of isostatic land uplift and artificial drainage on oxidation of brackish-water sediments rich in metastable iron sulfide. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 1268-1281.
Boman, A., Åström, M. & Fröjdö, S., 2008. Sulfur dynamics in boreal acid sulfate soils rich in metastable iron sulfide – The role of artificial drainage. Chemical Geology 255, 68-77.